Saturday, September 29, 2012

Come on moutain.....MOVE!!

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:21
I was listening to KLOVE the other day on my way to work and a song came on called "only a mountain" by Jason Castro. The chorus says                                                                                         This is only a mountain
You don’t have to find your way around it
Tell it to move, it’ll move
Tell it to fall, it’ll fall
This is only a moment
You don’t have to let your fear control it
Tell it to move, it’ll move
Tell it to fall, it’ll fall
I was listening to this song as I was pulling into work the other morning and all I could think was "Have I told my mountain to move" I mean here Ive been praying for God to bless us with a baby
 but have I told my mountain to move and let God bless us. Do I have the faith to believe that my mountain will move and that God will give us what we have prayed for??? So as I was pulling into work I began to tell my mountain to move, I begged an pleaded and and finally I was screaming at the top of my lungs "MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!! Ive been standing behind this mountain for too long and I want my baby, my God is bigger than you" I screamed it over and over and over again in the car. Saying it is one the thing, but here is the hard part, FAITH: "complete trust or confidence in something or someone"
Do I have the complete trust and confidence that my mountain will move and God will bless me? Some days I feel my faith is better than other days but I have found that my faith sometimes is a little on the weak side. I have enough faith to get me so far and then I panic. I have enough faith that I have reduced my hours at work, I have pretty much put together a room for a baby and I am mentally and physically preparing my heart and home for a baby. But when it comes down to it do I have the faith to tell my mountain to move and it will? This has been on my mind lately and Ive been praying and praying for the faith to get me through. It seems that all that stands between us and a baby is my faith. But if having faith wasn't so hard it wouldn't be so worth it right?
So once again I'm telling my mountain to move, to step aside, to crumble, to do whatever to get out of the way so my God can bless Charlie and I. We have been in this valley for far to long and we are exhausted! We are continuing to pray daily for a miracle and having the faith to believe that he hears us and will bless us with a baby very, very soon!
I cant begin to tell you thank you for all of the support we continue to have. Thank you so much for the encouraging cards, texts and kind words. Those are the things that get us through the "waiting" part. One day soon we will get our call I just our call I just know it. I cant wait to write that blog!!!!